Child Care & Preschools
Big Valley Preschool
2-5 years old.
Big Valley Elementary, 90 First Street, Bieber, CA 96009
Greenville State Preschool
SCFO Serves 3-5 years old.
225 Grand St, Room 1, Greenville, CA 95947
Headstart - Sierra Cascade Family Opportunities (SCFO)
SCFO provides children ages 0-5 FREE center based and home-based program options that support children in...
424 N. Mill Creek RD. Quincy, CA 95971
Main office: 530-283-1242
Just Kidding Around - Kid's Club
2-5 years old.
464-555 Main St, Susanville, CA 96130
Lassen Child and Family Resources
Services: Lassen Child and Family Resource offers a variety of information and resources to meet needs of children...
472-013 Johnstonville Rd, Susanville, CA 96130
Lassen Community College: Cooperative Agencies Resources For Education (C.A.R.E. Program)
CARE is the sister program of EOP&S. It serves students already in EOP&S who are single parents, currently receiving...
478-200 Hwy 139, Susanville, CA 96130 (Creative Arts 209)
530-257-6181 Ext. 8837
SCFO Head Start - Alturas
SCFO Serves 3-5 years old.
802 N. East, Suite C Alturas, CA 96101
SCFO Head Start - Chester
SCFO Serves 3-5 years old.
158 Aspen, Room 20, Chester, CA 96020
SCFO Head Start - Lassen Early Head Start and Head Start Center
Serves children 0-5-years old. This center has classrooms that operate in both part year- and year-round services.
478-200 CA-139, Susanville, CA 96130
SCFO Head Start - Leavitt Lake
Serves 3-5 years old.
710-400 Willow st, Susanville, CA 96130
SCFO Head Start - Plumas Home Based
Serves pregnant women and children 0-3 years old with year-round services.
424 N. Mill Rd, Quincy, CA 95971
SCFO Head Start - Portola
Serves children 3–5-years old.
895 West Street, Building #25, Portola, CA 96122