Financial Assistance
Environmental Health
The mission of Environmental Health is to protect, and promote public health and environmental quality through...
707 Nevada Street, Suite 5, Susanville, CA 96130
Housing and Grants, Division of Lassen County Community Social Services
Housing and Grants, Division of Lassen County Community Social Services.
Lassen Community College: Cooperative Agencies Resources For Education (C.A.R.E. Program)
CARE is the sister program of EOP&S. It serves students already in EOP&S who are single parents, currently receiving...
478-200 Hwy 139, Susanville, CA 96130 (Creative Arts 209)
530-257-6181 Ext. 8837
Lassen Community College: Extended Opportunity Programs and Service (EOP&S)
EOP&S is a comprehensive support program for students who are low-income, and have at least one educational...
478-200 Hwy 139, Susanville, CA 96130 (Creative Arts 209)
530-257-6181 Ext. 8935
Lassen Community College: TRIO “TRACS” Program
The TRIO TRACS program is a student support services program funded by the US Department of Education...
478-200 Hwy 139, Susanville, CA 96130 (Creative Arts 209)
Lassen County Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services serves both elder and dependent adults living in the communities of Lassen County...
1400 Chestnut St, Suite C, Susanville, CA 96130
Lassen County Community Social Services
Services: referral and resource for a full range of services including financial assistance; supplemental food program...
Lassen Works: Phone: 530-251-8152, Fax 530-251-8149
Adult Services: Phone: 530-251-8158, Fax 530-251-2672
Child & Family Services: Phone: 530-251-8277, Fax: 530-251-2661
Lassen County Department of Child Support Services
Child Support Services offers a professional, approachable, non-judgmental "middle ground" for parents...
2950 Riverside Drive, Ste. 104, 96130 Susanville , CA
Low income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is funded by the Federal Department of Health...
464-895 Mooney Rd, Westwood, CA 96137
P.O. Box 850, Westwood, CA 96137
Office of Recovery and Reimbursement
Office of Recovery and Reimbursement- Collections serves the public by providing assistance in paying court...
220 South Lassen St, Suite 3, Susanville, CA 96130
Salvation Army (Susanville)
Emergency assistance, must have proof for eligibility. Food, utilities, rent, transportation, gasoline, and lodging...
1560 Main St., Susanville CA 96130
Susanville Economic Development Department
The Susanville Economic Development Team provides all the resources you need to open, expand, or relocate...
66 N. Lassen Street, Susanville, CA 96130
Winter Energy Assistance Rate (WEAR)
LMUD’s WEAR program provides rate assistance to our income-eligible customers. The program assists with winter-time usage.
64 South Roop Street, Susanville, CA 96130