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Rape & Sexual Assault
District Attorney- Mikailia Child Advocacy Center
The Mikailia Child Advocacy Center functions as a collaborative multidisciplinary team, in partnership with various...
2950 Riverside Drive suite 102, Susanville, CA 96130, USA
Lassen Family Services, Inc.
Lassen Family Services, Inc. is committed to ending abuse in our community through prevention, healing, advocacy...
1306 Riverside Dr., PO Box 710, Susanville, CA 96130
Office: 530-257-4599 Crisis Line: 530-257-5004 or 1-888-289-5004
Modoc Crisis Center / TEACH
24 hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, emergency transportation, individual and group counseling for women...
112 East 2nd Street, Alturas, CA 96101
530-233-3111 Crisis: 530-233-4575 Toll Free: 1-855-855-6745
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